Why Live On Whidbey Island?


I was lucky enough to receive orders to be stationed here back in 1992.  Because of Whidbey Island’s breathtaking beauty, I decided to stay.  I hope these photographs tell the story of why I stayed….

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7 thoughts on “Why Live On Whidbey Island?

  1. Awesome Sauce Photo’s! I have been there once and feel in love! I’m living in “Tumbleweed Arizona” due to hubby’s job, but our HEARTS are still in Grants Pass, Oregon! We will be moving back in late Fall, but somewhere on the Oregon coast! Can not wait!


    • Thanks, Cat! I’ve have been SOOOOOOOO busy outside that I haven’t had a chance to work on adding goodies to my site. As a matter of fact, my post list is growing fast and furious but this is the apex of the summer season where everything culminates into gathering and closing down for the growing season; focusing on gathering salmon for the winter; catching those lovely fall photos. I’ve had events to shoot every weekend for the past month or so; lots of volunteer work; mucho gardening and I can’t seem to be able to stay inside long enough to post anything. I’ve even had a difficult time finding time to read posts. When I’m on the computer, it’s for processing photos and sending off copies to clients, etc….It’s a blast and I wouldn’t change it for the world, but, wow! Great to hear from you! Arizona is beautiful! It’s a hidden beauty, but I wouldn’t trade where I live for the world. I’ve always wanted to be an island dweller and I am. Hubby retires in a couple of years and we’re working on travel ideas because we want to be OUT THERE and see the country on our own terms. He would like to try his had at gold panning (so would I but I’ll primarily be taking photos to post). Let me know when you are on the coast! The Oregon coast is a beautiful place! I’ll pop some Oregon photos here in a couple of weeks….Becky

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      • Hey Becky,

        Good to here your enjoying your summer! Haven’t had much time to explore Arizona to much as it has been HOT! LOL. Yes my heart is still in Oregon, and I’ll be looking forward to your OR photos.

        Most all my photos are from Oregon, and taken by me. Many here on my recovery blog. We are hoping to be back in Oregon Spring 2015….I’ll keep you posted!! Catherine

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          • Well that is so very nice of you! Where have you been??? Good to hear from you, and I hope all is well and blessed your way.
            Thank you for the awesome Award. Its nice to know others do read my posts and hopefully learn a little something too. My heart today is in Roseburg in So. Oregon since the shooting yesterday. I have friends there still. Did get word last night my two friends are OK. One works at the Umpqua College. I met them at Gamblers Anonymous. I would drive up there to support their meetings in Roseburg. Again, thanks very much for the Award! XOXO Cat

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          • I’m still here on Whidbey! Hubby retired from working last July and we’ve been taking trips, fishing and just doing what we want to do. Very, very busy! Yes, I was through Umpqua and that area, last March on my way down to Mendocino. I am saddened that we have these kinds of things going on more and more, now. It’s very disturbing! Society, in general, is on a serious spiral downward, currently. But, on a more positive note, I’m glad you accept! If and when you get a chance, check out my latest posts! That’ll clue you on what this little stinker’s been up to……

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